General Insurance

Protecting your home

Whether you rent or own your home, insuring it makes sense. There are two main types of home insurance to consider – buildings and contents. As the names suggest, buildings insurance protects the property itself, whilst contents insurance covers the furniture, furnishings, appliances, clothing and all your possessions.

A young woman with glasses sitting at desk smiling working on her laptop

Whatever the type of property you live in, even if it’s ‘non-standard’, the chances are we’ll be able help you to find the cover you need. We’ll also be able to help you get the right cover for all your home contents.  

Although the value of properties and their contents will vary, it’s important not to underestimate just how much the contents of your home are worth – your electrical and technology items alone could easily add up to thousands of pounds. Gadgets such as tablets are small but relatively expensive and can easily be damaged or stolen. Take a look around you; how much would it cost to replace all the contents of your home?  

Although we all like to think that it won’t happen to our home, unfortunately, accidents, fire, burglary, and other mishaps are not uncommon. So, whilst it’s tempting to think that home insurance is one expense that can be avoided, such a decision could prove to be a false economy.  

The good news is that we can help.  

Want to know more?

Call: 01279 797350 or email: